For most products, you have 28 days to notify the seller if you want to cancel the order or exchange the item. The cancellation period will expire 28 days from the day on which you receive the goods you have ordered.
How to cancel your order, or return or exchange a product
1. Contact the seller to let them know that you wish to cancel your order, or return or exchange a product by contacting us by :
a. email .  or
b. filling in the contact form here
2. If already received, package the item up and send it back to the seller within 14 days of letting us know that you want to cancel your order and return the product (we recommend you use a signed-for delivery service with proof of postage). Please note that you will have to bear the direct cost of returning the product.
3. We will process the refund directly to your payment card, in no more than:
a. 14 days after the day the product is received by the seller; or
b. if earlier, 14 days after the date you provide evidence that you have returned the product to the seller; or
c. if there were no goods supplied, 14 days after the day on which you informed the seller or us (via Step 1 above) about your decision to cancel your order.

Please don’t destroy or throw away any product, even if it’s faulty, before you’ve spoken to the seller and agreed that doing so won’t affect any refund you may be entitled to.
Please note that you are liable for any diminished value of the product resulting from the handling of the product in any way other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the product while you are responsible for it (this includes, in the context of a return, when the product is in transit back to the seller).
Please note that if you request to begin the performance of a service during the above cancellation period that you will be liable to pay for the service you received prior to your communication to us that you intend to cancel the contract. This may apply to you if you have purchased an experience with us.
All sellers comply with our returns policy, giving you peace of mind when ordering. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with us at or call 01977 791882 to speak to our customer service team.